May 24, 2010

Federal Reserve Chairman -The Godfather

Alan Greenspan. If we could pin what has happened to our economy on any one person. It would be Alan Greenspan. He, along with Larry Summers and have laid waste to our economy. They had *ample* opportunity to make things right. By that I mean regulating the credit default swaps and other derivatives being traded on wall street. To someone paying close attention to the actions of these people, you could even call them sinister. They not only had ample opportunity to enforce stricter regulations, but they purposefully and willfully ignored warning signals given by the markets that derivatives were potentially very dangerous to our entire economy. Brookesly Bourne, head of the CFTC at the time, who pointed out to these gentlemen the dangers in a report, was immediately chastized and told to burn the report. They ganged up on her in private, and told her to shut up. They did NOT want any word whatsoever that derivatives were potentially harmful getting out. They WANTED a completely
unregulated market. The glaring question is why? and why aren't any of these people in prison?? These people are truly twisted and devoid of conscience.. Alan Greenspan did not mow anyone down with a tommy gun, but what he did do caused (and will continue to cause) untold economic grief and pain for millions of people. This, in my mind, makes him (and those who conspired with him) far more devious than Al Capone and his henchmen. Let's be clear. There actions were criminal. They knew damn well what they were doing. They were deliberate, cold, and calculating.

Alan Greenspan says in the video above that the Fed is above the law, and answers to no one. Isn't it odd they are so fearful of an audit. When confronted with the threat of an audit, Ben Bernanke basically threatened to collapse the economy. Read about it here:

David Rockefeller, co-founder of the Council on Foreign Relations once said, "we just need the right crisis to come along and people will accept a global government." Ta-dah! We are now in the middle of an economic crisis that will surpass the depression of the 1930s'. Don't be fooled by talk that the economy is slowly recovering. What we are experiencing now is merely a slight 'lift' caused by the trillions of dollars artificially pumped into the economy to keep it afloat. This will soon end. Please, keep reading my blog for more info.

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