May 26, 2010

Criminal International Banking Cartel

Make no mistake, this 'eocnomic unraveling' has been brought upon us deliberately in order to consolidate the world's wealth and resources to a small, privileged few insiders. It didn't just happen overnight. This has been long in the making. Rich, powerful people have always, throughout history, been the real power-brokers behind the scenes, out of the public spotlight. Historically, (and even now) the four prinicipal families were the Morgans, the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds. It is my DUTY as a patriotic American to expose these bastards. They are responsible for every boom & bust cycle we've experienced and they even have their fingerprints all over many of the wars we've had, betting on who will win and who will lose...

The speech given at the end of the last video is popularily known as 'the speech that got JFK assassinated'. When I listen closely to what he said in that speech, I don't know how anyone can discount the claims of conspiracy in his death. It has been said that deception and manipulation of public opinion (primarily through the mainstream press) is the elites' greatest cover.
If you think that powerful banking families have changed their ways and are now somehow benevolent or well-meaning have I got a few things to tell you, keep reading my blog for more info.

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