May 20, 2010

If You Ever Had Any Doubt About Where We Are Headed....

This blog will be my simple way of trying to clear up your misconceptions about the direction of our nation, for that matter, humaity itself. If you rely solely on the mainstream media as your source of information you're missing out on a wealth of information that exists out there. There is a sense of urgency as I write this because of forces that are now at work. Forces that want to block that information from reaching the public. Indeed, these forces wish to do away altogether with the notion of free speech. President Obama said at a recent graduation speech that the current media environment is "putting pressure on our country and our democracy." It is? How so? If this is true, than that's tough. We DO have freedom of speech in this country. But that may not be the case for too much longer. In a recent speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, one of Obama's top advisors, Zbigniew Brzezinski warned that a 'global political awakening' was a threat to the elites of the world. Well that's not good. It's not good for the average person to be too politically aware, is it? So in light of these comments, and many others made by people in positions of power, including Jay Rockefeller who said that "the internet should have never existed", you can probably see why I thought it was important to get what I need to say out there for the public to see...
I'm going to start by pointing out the most pressing concern I have, and what should be obvious
to most. Our economy is *NOT* in a recovery. For some this may be difficult bit of info. to digest, i.e., if you are constantly assailed day after day with manipulated economic data put out there by the mainstream press. Quite the contrary, what we have been experiencing for the last 2 years now is nothing less than a total collapse of the world financial system. It may have slowed down a bit due to central banks around the world printing money, but it is now picking up speed and will only accelerate from here on. Why? Because the policies of the central banks ultimately cannot stop free markets from working. They have only succeeded in making things worse. They may be able to prevent the Euro from collapsing, but the underlying problems of the world economy (massive amounts of debt) will only pop up later on.

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