May 29, 2010

Information Revolution -

There is a revolution taking shape right now as we speak. It is an 'information revolution'. More people throughout the world are becoming aware of the elites' plans for global government. The interesting thing is that the more the mainstream media tries to cover it up and cover only issues that are superficial, the more people are seeking out 'real news'. Right now the mainstream media is fighting for it's very survival. Their ratings have been in a free fall for the past 2 years. Once thriving major newspapers are going bankrupt. CNN and MSNBC ratings are at all time lows. Even FoxNews, once considered to be 'fair and balanced' by many people, is losing many viewers as people begin to wake up and become aware of media manipulations and distortions.

Listen to Peter Schiff talk about how corporations and wall street interests have usurped the media for their own purposes.

Governments around the world, and our in particular are growing increasingly wary of free speech. This should alarm everyone. Our government is preparing to vote on a piece of legislation that would completely undermine the first amendment. It's known as the 'Disclose Act'. Read about it here:

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