May 30, 2010

The Bilderberg Group

"The drive of the Rockefellers and their allies is to create a one-world government combining super capitalism and Communism under the same tent, all under their control.... Do I mean conspiracy? Yes I do. I am convinced there is such a plot, international in scope, generations old in planning, and incredibly evil in intent."
- Congressman Larry P. McDonald, 1976, killed in the Korean Airlines 747 that was shot down by the Soviets

If you haven't heard of the Bilderberg Group, it's only because they haven't wanted you to know about them. Bilderberg is a HIGHLY secretive organization. For three days each year 120 of the most prominent and powerful people in global business, banking, finance, politics, education, media, military and intelligence meet to discuss their agenda of world government. They do not allow any media coverage whatsoever of their events. Since the members of Bilderberg are also in control of major media companies, a total media blackout is not hard for them to achieve. However, a few curious people over the years have been able to find out bits and pieces of Bilderberg's agenda.

since the creation of the last video, the concept of 'North American Union' appears to have been put on hold for the time being. The talk instead has shifted to 'world government'. We will have to wait and see what the elites have in mind...

May 29, 2010

Information Revolution -

There is a revolution taking shape right now as we speak. It is an 'information revolution'. More people throughout the world are becoming aware of the elites' plans for global government. The interesting thing is that the more the mainstream media tries to cover it up and cover only issues that are superficial, the more people are seeking out 'real news'. Right now the mainstream media is fighting for it's very survival. Their ratings have been in a free fall for the past 2 years. Once thriving major newspapers are going bankrupt. CNN and MSNBC ratings are at all time lows. Even FoxNews, once considered to be 'fair and balanced' by many people, is losing many viewers as people begin to wake up and become aware of media manipulations and distortions.

Listen to Peter Schiff talk about how corporations and wall street interests have usurped the media for their own purposes.

Governments around the world, and our in particular are growing increasingly wary of free speech. This should alarm everyone. Our government is preparing to vote on a piece of legislation that would completely undermine the first amendment. It's known as the 'Disclose Act'. Read about it here:

May 28, 2010

U.S. Political System is a 2 Headed Beast

"The case for government by elites is irrefutable." Senator William Fulbright, Former chairman of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated at a 1963 symposium entitled: The Elite and the Electorate - Is Government by the People Possible?

It is absolutely criminal what is being done to our country right now. People just don't see it because they are so tuned in to rooting for their favorite political party. Even the most cursory of investigations into the bills put forward by the two parties of our political system turns up the most horrific details, whether it's the patriot act, the TARP bill (toxic asset relief fund), immigration reform, or the healthcare bill (the latest poll show that 63% of Americans now favor repealing the healthcare legislation). The principal agenda of our leaders over the last 100 years has been to lead our nation into a one world government (new world order). (note: why did George H.W. Bush senior constantly mention the words 'new world order' in his speeches?) Don't believe me? Think that's just a bunch of nonsense? You shouldn't. Just a small amount of research turns up documents, quotes, and reports by the people working to bring the world under control of global governance (members of CFR -council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral commission, Bilderberg Group). Many of them are Republicans and Democrats of our own political system! You don't know about their doings because they don't want you to know! Don't believe me? Keep reading, I will go into more detail!

Just a quick note, this is footage was taken a few years before March of 2008 when the govt. was to implement the National ID act. They scaled that agenda back, I assume because they did not want to reveal their hand too fast. This act has since been rolled into the new immigration reform bill Obama recently passed. He is absolutely *NOT* kidding about the RFID chips. This is real, and it is truly frightening. A company called 'Digital Angel' has been around for 10 years now. They have since changed their name to 'Verichip'. An RFID (radio frequency Identification device) is a small computer chip about the size of a grain of rice which can be implanted under the skin and scanned. It is capable of storing all kinds of data (anything the application called for- health records, bank account #s, social security #s, etc...). RFID technology is already being implemented in many countries. Some may think my sentiments are alarmist and uncalled for. What is the big deal you ask? The big deal is that I don't want to be tagged like a cow. However they spin this in the mainstream press, the truth about RFID technology is that it is an inexpensive way for the elites to control their herd. I will go into greater detail about RFID in a later post.

Aaron Russo was a great patriot. He made a film exposing the criminal Federal Reserve system called "Freedom to Facism". He died in 2007 of cancer.

"The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes." Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1952

"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasnt such a great idea after all." Strobe Talbot, President Clintons Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.

"We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent." Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg to The Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17th, l950

Listen to Col. Paul Craig Roberts talk about incrementalism. -how our society is being incrementally conditioned to accept the ultra-draconian agenda of the new world order.

May 27, 2010

Phony Right, Phony Left = Left/Right Paradigm

I have come to the realization that all of politics is 100% bullshit. You've got the phony left, and you've got the phony right. Save for a few genuine souls (I mean very few, probably less than 10 out of the 435 representaives) who are the real deal, they are 100% putting on a big show for you and me. We can call this the left-right paradigm. Everything put out in front of us on c-span, cable news, network news, and most syndicated radio shows, is like a big movie production, pre-processed for public consumption. Republicans and Democrats pretend to be bitter rivals before going behind closed doors to make deals and pat each other on the back.
One ruling party controls the left, and the same ruling party controls the right. Where matters of national importance are present, they act as one. We can call this 'ruling party' an oligarchy, made up of major banks, corporations, and other powerful interests. These people are really the ones in charge, behind the scenes, out of the public spotlight. They basically have the entire public bamboozled into thinking we actually live in a free democracy where their vote matters.

Read carefully the words of former New York City mayor (1918-1925) John F. Hylan:
"The real menace of our republic is this invisible government, which is like a giant octopus, sprawls it's slimy length over the city, state, and nation. Like the octopus of real life, it operates under cover of a self-created screen. At the head of this octopus are teh rockefeller standard oil interest and a small group of powerful banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers'. The little coterie of international bankers practically run the United States government for their own selfish purposes. They practically control both political parties."

And the words of Trilateral Commission founder David Rockefeller:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respecxted their promises of discretion of almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the work is now much more sophisticated, and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranatural sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto determination practiced in past centuries".

This guy scares me. He is one of the ones who are really running our world. It is up to us to investigate and find out what they are up to, because they will never come out and say it on live tv.

Good News! -The Fed is Panicking

The following article has been brought to you by:
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, May 27, 2010

Appearing on The Alex Jones Show yesterday, Congressman Ron Paul revealed that through his inside sources he had learned that the people who control the Federal Reserve are panicking about the fact that Americans are waking up to the fact that the U.S. is controlled by the central bank.

“I had some information passed on to me, sort of inside information, somebody who knew somebody who was well tuned to the people at the Federal Reserve – and they said they are really really concerned about our movement to expose the Fed for what they’re doing,” said Paul, adding, “What they’re upset or worried about is the fact that more and more people are aware of the Federal Reserve now like never before,” explaining that exposure will lead to change and a reform of the Federal Reserve.

Paul attributed the success of the freedom movement in the last decade to the growing awareness of the power that the Federal Reserve wields over America.

“Even those who defend the Fed are very frightened about it,” added Paul, noting that a growing number of Americans were knowledgeable about the central bank despite the fact that the subject is rarely covered by the education system.

Host Jones made reference to a recent Council on Foreign Relations speech by Trilateral Commission and regular Bilderberg attendee Zbigniew Brzezinski in which he warned that a “global political awakening,” in combination with infighting amongst the elite, was threatening to derail the move towards a one world government.

“I hope he has some real reasons to be worried about that,” responded the Congressman.

Despite the Senate voting down Ron Paul’s version of the audit the fed bill earlier this month, a weaker version was passed which will mandate the central bank to reveal which financial institutions received bailout money at the peak of the economic crisis, something the Fed has desperately tried to avoid divulging.

Paul expressed his own disappointment at the watered down bill, but his colleague Congressman Alan Grayson expressed confidence that the stronger provisions of the original House amendment could be added in Committee, ensuring the Federal Reserve doesn’t get off the hook, as Congressman Paul has warned.

Paul told host Jones that people should look into which Senators did not vote for the original audit the Fed bill, characterizing the weakened version as “A bailout for the system and for the Federal Reserve.”

Paul said he was going to try and influence the bill in conference by adding stronger provisions.

“I think right now the cards are stacked against us but we’re going to keep fighting because the more attention we get and the more people know, I ink we can be proud of how far we’ve gotten already,” said Paul.

Something I just read shortly after posting this: The Worst Money Supply Plunge Since The Depression Means A Double Dip Is Now A ‘Virtual Certainty’
you can read the article here:

May 26, 2010

Criminal International Banking Cartel

Make no mistake, this 'eocnomic unraveling' has been brought upon us deliberately in order to consolidate the world's wealth and resources to a small, privileged few insiders. It didn't just happen overnight. This has been long in the making. Rich, powerful people have always, throughout history, been the real power-brokers behind the scenes, out of the public spotlight. Historically, (and even now) the four prinicipal families were the Morgans, the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, and the Rothschilds. It is my DUTY as a patriotic American to expose these bastards. They are responsible for every boom & bust cycle we've experienced and they even have their fingerprints all over many of the wars we've had, betting on who will win and who will lose...

The speech given at the end of the last video is popularily known as 'the speech that got JFK assassinated'. When I listen closely to what he said in that speech, I don't know how anyone can discount the claims of conspiracy in his death. It has been said that deception and manipulation of public opinion (primarily through the mainstream press) is the elites' greatest cover.
If you think that powerful banking families have changed their ways and are now somehow benevolent or well-meaning have I got a few things to tell you, keep reading my blog for more info.

May 24, 2010

Federal Reserve Chairman -The Godfather

Alan Greenspan. If we could pin what has happened to our economy on any one person. It would be Alan Greenspan. He, along with Larry Summers and have laid waste to our economy. They had *ample* opportunity to make things right. By that I mean regulating the credit default swaps and other derivatives being traded on wall street. To someone paying close attention to the actions of these people, you could even call them sinister. They not only had ample opportunity to enforce stricter regulations, but they purposefully and willfully ignored warning signals given by the markets that derivatives were potentially very dangerous to our entire economy. Brookesly Bourne, head of the CFTC at the time, who pointed out to these gentlemen the dangers in a report, was immediately chastized and told to burn the report. They ganged up on her in private, and told her to shut up. They did NOT want any word whatsoever that derivatives were potentially harmful getting out. They WANTED a completely
unregulated market. The glaring question is why? and why aren't any of these people in prison?? These people are truly twisted and devoid of conscience.. Alan Greenspan did not mow anyone down with a tommy gun, but what he did do caused (and will continue to cause) untold economic grief and pain for millions of people. This, in my mind, makes him (and those who conspired with him) far more devious than Al Capone and his henchmen. Let's be clear. There actions were criminal. They knew damn well what they were doing. They were deliberate, cold, and calculating.

Alan Greenspan says in the video above that the Fed is above the law, and answers to no one. Isn't it odd they are so fearful of an audit. When confronted with the threat of an audit, Ben Bernanke basically threatened to collapse the economy. Read about it here:

David Rockefeller, co-founder of the Council on Foreign Relations once said, "we just need the right crisis to come along and people will accept a global government." Ta-dah! We are now in the middle of an economic crisis that will surpass the depression of the 1930s'. Don't be fooled by talk that the economy is slowly recovering. What we are experiencing now is merely a slight 'lift' caused by the trillions of dollars artificially pumped into the economy to keep it afloat. This will soon end. Please, keep reading my blog for more info.

May 23, 2010

The Federal Reserve, From Shady Past to Criminal Present

""*It was Alexander Hamilton who lobbied for the first private Federal Bank, and in 1789Congress chartered the bank.
*In 1811, under President James Madison, Vice President George Clinton broke the tied vote in congress to cast the bankers out refusing to renew the charter for the bankers. Unfortunatly it was President Madison who proposed a second United States privately owned Central bank and it came into existence in 1816.
*However, in 1836 President Jackson, overriding Congress, closed it commenting, "The bold effort the present bank had made to control the government are but premonitions of the fate that await the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it." (we now have another one like it).
Andrew Jackson also said, when speaking to the bankers: "You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God I will rout you out."
*When speaking to his closest friend, Martin Van Buren, Jackson said, "The bank, is trying to kill me, but I will kill it!" (and he did)
*The first two Federal Reserve Systems lasted about 20 years each and we are now almost a hundred years into the third one.
*The year is now 1913, the year after Woodrow Wilson was elected president of the United States. Prior to his election he needed financial support to pay for his campaign, so he reluctantly agreed, that if elected, he would sign the Federal Reserve Act, in return for that financial support.
*In December 1913 while many members of Congress were home for Christmas, the Federal Reserve Act was rammed through Congress and was later signed by President Wilson. At a later date, Wilson admitted with remorse, when referring to the Fed."I have unwittingly ruined my country".

Enter the Income Tax

We didn't have nor did we need an income tax until we got the bankers back. The income tax was only needed to pay interest to the bankers for our money that they loan to our government. Yes, you read that right, the Fed, mostly on paper and computer, creates money or pays the treasury a small printing fee for currency, and then loans this money to our government. Our taxes pay them interest on this loan that cost the FEDS virtually nothing to make, what a sweetheart of a deal they have going for them.

As of March 6, 2006, the national debt stands at 8.2 trillion dollars. The American taxpayers have paid the FED banking system $173,875,979,369.66 in interest on that debt in just five short months, from October, 2005, through February, 2006. Since this article was written a couple of years ago the national debt has now risen to 10.7 trillion dollars, and since the economic meltdown that figure has risen dramatically and will continue to rise. The United States will never even be able to pay the interest on the loan,let alone the principle. So in actuality the Federal Reserve owns the United Statses and our elected officials are beholden to the bankers, not the American people. The Feds are the unseen "shadow government" , they are the ones who are governing our once great Republic. They control both houses of Congress and also the President, and no-one dare oppose them. they are all powerful because they control the money supply. No con artist or group of con artists in history has ever perpetrated a scam that even approaches the scope of this one.

According to the two volume work by Bill Benson and Red Beckman , "The Law That Never Was" the 16th amendment, which created the IRS, was never properly ratified, not even by one state! These gentlemen traveled the then 48 states to verify that fact. So in a very real sense the income tax isn't legal, as many have proclaimed, but try not paying it and see how far you get before the Feds come after you and confiscate everything you own.


Henry Ford once said "It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning".

In the nearly 100 years of the existence of the Fed, it has NEVER been audited and they don't pay income tax on the billions of dollars they take from us. \
According to Congressional record the U.S. Government can buy back the FED at any time for $450 million. That's about half the amount of money we pay them daily.

Do we have the most stupid and/or the most corrupt leaders in the world, or what? It seems their # 1 concern is getting re-elected, they seem to think nothing of shirking their responsibilities to the people who elected them to their powerful prestigous high paying jobs.
Congress likes the Fed because they can spend all they want with no restraints, they just put our children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren into debt.

A Federal Reserve note is just what it looks like, it's just a piece of paper with no backing whatsoever. This is why Congress hates gold and silver backed money, it forces them to live within their means. Of course they also get other perks from the Fed. perks far too numerous to mention here.

Article 1, section 8, of the Constitution reads:
The Congress shall have the Power.....To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof,....
Nowhere in that document does it give Congress the authority to delegate this responsibility to anyone, much less a bunch of private bankers.

It may be that you were never a big fan of John F. Kennedy, but you may see him in a different light after you learn how he took on the FEDS. He had the foresight to see what a bad deal had been struck in the creation of the Federal Reserve. He also had the courage to do something about it.which unfortunately, may have cost him his life.

On June 4, 1963, President Kennedy signed a Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110. This order virtually stripped the Federal Reserve Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Government at interest. President Kennedy declared the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. This order gave the Treasury Department the authority to issue silver certificates against any silver in the treasury. This executive order still stands today. In less than five months after signing that executive order President Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.

The United States Notes (silver certificates) he had issued were taken out of circulation immediately. Federal Reserve Notes continued to serve as the legal currency of this nation. It is estimated that 99% of all U.S. paper currency circulating in 1999 are Federal Reserve Notes.

Lincoln also took on the bankers and that brave bold step may also have cost him his life.

During the Civil War (from 1861-1865), President Lincoln needed money to finance the War for the North. The Bankers were going to charge him 24% to 36% interest. Lincoln was horrified and greatly distressed, and he would not think of plunging his beloved country into a debt that the country would find impossible to pay back.

So Lincoln advised Congress to pass a law authorizing the printing of full legal tender Treasury notes to pay for the War effort. Lincoln recognized the great benefits of this issue. At one point he wrote: "... (we) gave the people of this Republic the greatest blessing they have ever had - their own paper money to pay their own debts..."

The Treasury notes were printed with green ink on the back, so the people called them "Greenbacks". Lincoln had printed 400 million dollars worth of Greenbacks (the exact amount being $449,338,902), money that he delegated to be created, a debt-free and interest-free money to finance the War. It served as legal tender for all debts, public and private. He printed it, paid it to the soldiers, to the U.S. Civil Service empoyees, and bought supplies for the war.

Lincoln was assassinated shortly after the war and Congress revoked the Greenback Law and enacted, in its place, the National Banking Act. The national banks were to be privately owned and the national bank notes they issued were to be interest-bearing. The Act also provided that the Greenbacks should be retired from circulation as soon as they came back to the Treasury in payment of taxes.

Follow The Money!!!
When you follow the money you find there was no-one in the world who had a better reason to kill these two Presidents than the bankers. It seems inconceivable that anyone could still think there was no conspiracy in the assassination of JFK, especially when you consider the many people that were murdered or had suspicious deaths and who were associated in some way with Kennedy's assassination.

Is this proof?

Is this strong circumstantial evidence?


Concern Without Action Is A Waste Of Time!! The Federal Reserve, United Nations, Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, the Illuminati, the Bilderbergers and other elites of the hidden government are leading us into The New World Order and they are leading us fast. You are not going to like it when we get all the way there, and we are over half way there now.

Only we can save this Republic!!!

All info here brought to you by many thanks.

May 22, 2010

This economic quagmire was *NO* accident...

What do you mean? You may be asking yourself, about the headline of this post. Well, I'm going to attempt to explain to you how our current economic nightmare has been planned. "Ok, I'm done reading this conspiratorial crap," you may be thinking. Please, indulge me, continue reading.
There is historical precendence for engineered financial implosions. Let's look at the 1930's for a moment. Curtis Dall, member of the N.Y. stock exchange wrote in his book, “F.D.R.: My Exploited Father-in-Law,” the 1929 stock market crash “was the calculated ’shearing’ of the public by the World-Money powers, triggered by the sudden shortage of call money in the New York money market.” According to Rep. Louis McFadden, chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency in 1933, the 1929 crash “was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence….The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so they might emerge as rulers of us all.”
Canadian businessman& former Secretary General of the United Nations Maurice Strong, said in front of the UN in 1992- "We may get to a point where the only way of saving the world will be for industrialized nations to collapse." He is not alone in this line of thinking. For years many a world statesmen, figures in the public spotlight, many high ranking officials at the U.N., and many in our own government have echoed Mr. Strong's sentiment. Historian and Council on Foreign Relations' member Carroll Quigley's 1975 book stated that the "powers of financial capitalism had far (a) reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole."
A brilliant mechanism was devised in order to carry out the agenda outlined in Quigley's book. The Federal Reserve banking system was created in 1913 at Jeckyll Island, Georgia. Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743-1812), the forerunner of the famous Rothschild banking family was quoted as saying "Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws." Thomas Jefferson was adamantly opposed to the idea of a privately owned federal bank and said " I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous to liberty than standing armies".
Webster Griffin Tarpley talks about how credit default swaps are destroying economies world-wide:

Congressman McFadden said that the creation of the Federal Reserve System was engineered to establish “a world banking system… a super-state controlled by international bankers and international industrialists acting together to enslave the world for their own pleasure.” Our current economic “crisis,” wholly artificial, is designed to put the finishing touches on this globalist super-state.

Great Article: Bob Chapman: They Want A Collapse, Its Deliberate
Read Here:

May 21, 2010

The Contagion Must Be PURGED From The System

As I stated in my previous post, central banks cannot stop free markets from working. And yet, that is exactly what they are trying to do! If the big banks and other troubled institutions would have been allowed to fail, as they were in the process of doing in September 2008, free markets would have worked it out. Yes, there would have been considerable pain, even a depression, as bad, if not worse than the one in the 1930's. Instead, our government and central bank intervened to stop this process from working itself out. By guaranteeing these failing institutions a financial 'safety net', our central bank has for the time being, prevented their collapse. However, the problems that led these failing businesses to the brink are still there. The toxic debts didn't just magically disappear, they were just transferred to a different set of books. Also, the complex 'financial instruments' (credit default swaps created from mortgage loans) that created the huge mess of toxic assets are still being used by the bailed out institutions and are creating more toxic assets! In order to 'fix' the system, the root cause of the problem must first be adressed, just like in medicine. So far, this has only happened on a superficial level. With mortgage foreclosures hitting an all time high in the first quarter of this year, and the official number of 'troubled' banks at 775 (according to the FDIC, unofically this number is much higher, try 2,000-3,000), you've really got to wonder.
OK, so our central bank is backstopping our financial system. To do this, they have to print money. a lot of money. How much is a lot? Try *trillions* with a 't'. Below is a chart showing how the supply of paper money in circulation has grown.

Notice how it ticks dramatically upward in 2008? In order to 'save' our financial system, our central bank has printed trillions of dollars of paper money that people give in exchange for goods and services, and thus in doing so, has created uncertainty throughout the world about the trustworthiness of the U.S. dollar. The central bank is playing a dangerous game right now (including other central banks around the world, i.e., the European central bank), one that could ultimately end in the destruction of our currency. Look at what is happening in Europe. They are in the midst of a full-blown currency crisis, and all their scrambling for solutions is only creating more doubt and uncertainty in the minds of the people who use the euro as currency. Do not make the mistake of thinking that America is somehow immune to these kinds of problems.

By not letting the system purge itself of the contagion, a much worse problem has been created. Europe might be able to protect itself for a while longer, but the contagion will pop up somewhere else in the world, like it did in Dubai and like it did in Greece. The world leaders cannot keep passing the buck, the buck has to stop, and it will....

Pick Your Poison...
One of two things will now happen. Either the Fed will STOP printing money to buy up toxic assets and let the failing institutions fail, which in turn will undoubtedly cause a depression, or the Fed will continue on it's present course which WILL cause our currency to collapse, leading to even worse problems... Which is it gonna be? Ben Bernanke is not immune to the basic laws of economics, his actions will eventually bite him (and America) in the ass...

May 20, 2010

If You Ever Had Any Doubt About Where We Are Headed....

This blog will be my simple way of trying to clear up your misconceptions about the direction of our nation, for that matter, humaity itself. If you rely solely on the mainstream media as your source of information you're missing out on a wealth of information that exists out there. There is a sense of urgency as I write this because of forces that are now at work. Forces that want to block that information from reaching the public. Indeed, these forces wish to do away altogether with the notion of free speech. President Obama said at a recent graduation speech that the current media environment is "putting pressure on our country and our democracy." It is? How so? If this is true, than that's tough. We DO have freedom of speech in this country. But that may not be the case for too much longer. In a recent speech to the Council on Foreign Relations, one of Obama's top advisors, Zbigniew Brzezinski warned that a 'global political awakening' was a threat to the elites of the world. Well that's not good. It's not good for the average person to be too politically aware, is it? So in light of these comments, and many others made by people in positions of power, including Jay Rockefeller who said that "the internet should have never existed", you can probably see why I thought it was important to get what I need to say out there for the public to see...
I'm going to start by pointing out the most pressing concern I have, and what should be obvious
to most. Our economy is *NOT* in a recovery. For some this may be difficult bit of info. to digest, i.e., if you are constantly assailed day after day with manipulated economic data put out there by the mainstream press. Quite the contrary, what we have been experiencing for the last 2 years now is nothing less than a total collapse of the world financial system. It may have slowed down a bit due to central banks around the world printing money, but it is now picking up speed and will only accelerate from here on. Why? Because the policies of the central banks ultimately cannot stop free markets from working. They have only succeeded in making things worse. They may be able to prevent the Euro from collapsing, but the underlying problems of the world economy (massive amounts of debt) will only pop up later on.