October 6, 2011

Fractional-Reserve Banking System IS the Cancer that is KILLING us.

In this system, banks loan out many times more that what they actually have on deposit.
From Wikipedia "Fractional-reserve banking is a type of banking whereby the bank only retains a fraction of the customer's deposits as reserves. This means that cash and coin in the bank's vaults (also called bank reserves) are only a fraction (called the reserve ratio) of the quantity of deposits at the bank. As most bank deposits are treated as money in their own right, fractional reserve banking increases the money supply, and banks are said to create money.
Bank runs (or when problems are widespread, a systemic crisis) can occur in fractional-reserve banking systems. To mitigate this risk, the governments of most countries (usually acting through the central bank) regulate and oversee commercial banks, provide deposit insurance and act as lender of last resort to commercial banks."

So banks loan out money at interest, and when those loans go sour, the Federal Reserve loans the money to our government (at interest) so the government can bail out the banks, the government then sticks the tab with the American taxpayers. Bankers colluded with our government 12 years ago to get rid of glass-steagall Which removed the separation between investment banking and commercial banking, allowing wall street investment firms to gamble their depositors' money. Many feel 9rightly so) that the repeal of this act that lead to the financial crisis in 2008. I would also add to that the fractional reserve banking system that our banks (and the federal reserve bank) use, which essentially allows bankers to print money out of thin air also contributed to the mess. None of these issues have been dealt with since the crisis unfolded. Wall street investment firms and banks continue with their collateralized-debt obligations and structured investment vehicles, unchecked by any regulation (because the government regulators have all been bought off). The unholy alliance between government and corporation is a like a virus that is infecting it's host (our nation). Soon, the host will succomb to it's infection. Our politicians, unable and unwilling to do anything about the problem will let the next crisis unfold because they have been completely bought and paid for by wall street (I'm talking about Republicans and Democrats -both parties are bankrolled by wall street). Who knows how severe the next crisis will be, you can bet that higher-ups in our government do, they are even eagerly anticipating it.

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