October 15, 2011

Crony Capitalism

Throughout this whole financial crisis starting in 2008, capitalism has gotten a lot of bad publicity. People like Michael Moore and others have used this opportunity to denounce capitalism (thereby praising communism by default). The whole capitalism vs. socialism arguement to me, is void and mute. The REAL problem we are dealing with is crony capitalism. We do NOT have a truly capitalist system right now. We have a system where huge corporations get our elected officials to pass laws FOR THEM. Small business owners are being shut down all over the place because they don't have enough money to lobby our government. The huge corporations have the system in their back pocket, and they have the power to shut down anyone who tries to compete with them. Our once-capitalist system has been undermined by greed and corruption. We live in a corporate fascist dictatorship, where all the powere rests with the corporations, and their puppets, our politicians. Democracy is dead. The media gives the illusion that we have democracy, but that is all it is, an illusion. THe candidates that they (banks and corporations) want to be held in the spotlight are selected by more powerful forces than you or I, with lots more money than you or I. THe candidates are then paraded in front of the media, and they tell us 'look, you have the choice between a, b, c, or d. But what they don't tell you is that a, b, c, & d all serve the interests of the banks and corporations, NOT YOURS. They PRETEND to serve interests of everyone while they are campaigning, but when push comes to shove, they will always bail out the corporations and banks that have the MOST INFLUENCE over them, and let the small businesses go out of business!

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