October 30, 2011

What Kind of Government do we have in America?

Mac Slavo
October 23rd, 2011

The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government.


In a previous commentary we opined that Most Americans Are Leftists and presented supporting evidence in the form of two political spectrum graphics.

A traditional view of the political spectrum as discussed in the mainstream and indoctrinated by pedagogues into the minds of millions of unsuspecting children, teens and college graduates :

A true view of the political spectrum as it has existed throughout history:

The idea that most Americans, and citizens of the world for that matter, are leftists really comes down to one’s point of reference. The concept is completely lost on those beholden to the “Traditional” political spectrum view who have never been exposed to or had the opportunity to contemplate other possibilities. It begins to make much more sense when considered with respect to the “True” view.

The following micro-documentary, The American Form of Government, presents a more expanded look at the True View spectrum and argues that there exist only two types of government – oligarchy and republic – with a transitory state of democracy which exists between the two.

This is one to share with family, friends and those in need of a (hopefully insightful and life-changing) provocation of their world view

Now that we understand what kind of government we’re supposed to have in America and why, the question that needs to be answered is: what kind of government do we actually have?

As I have stated repeatedly throughout this blog, we live in neither a democracy nor a republic. Our country has been hijacked by lobbyists, corporations, multi-national corporations, and beaurocrats. Our governmnet officials do not serve the interests of the majority. they serve only their corporate pay-masters and the federal reserve is the entity which greases the wheels....

This guy gets it:

October 28, 2011

An Open Message to the 99% (Occupy Wall Street)

you are being used and manipulated. The 1% are sitting on the board of directors of trans-national corporations, high-level CEO's, Royalty, & multi-billionaires. The average rich person out there who makes 300,000-500,000,000 a year are part of the 99%. That's right I said three-hundred thousand to half-a-billion. To be part of the 1%, a person would have to make over five-hundred million per year. The 1% are being mischaracterized by the media as 'anyone who is rich'. This will only fuel an ugly conflict on the streets of America and not get to the root of the problem, which resides with the REAL power brokers of the world. And that's the way they want it. They wish to remain hidden from public view, so the people do not see who they're true masters are.

October 27, 2011

Flouride is POISON!

Please enlarge the following flyer and hand out to everyone you know...

Second American Revolution

by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) There's a sense of desperation in America today. Their jobs are being exported out of the country, their health insurance is being dropped by employers, their dollars are becoming increasingly worthless with each passing day and their futures don't look very promising. They're angry, frustrated and desperate, so they take to the streets and protest. Occupy Wall Street! Occupy The Fed! Take to the streets!

It's the right thing to do, but what most protesters - and nearly all Americans - don't fully grasp is that nearly every powerful institution is a criminal racket. It's not just Wall Street that's operated like a criminal mob, folks: It's the U.S. Congress. It's the health care industry. It's conventional agriculture, the mainstream media, the processed food manufacturers, the government regulators and of course the entire military industrial complex.

Nearly everything around you is a criminal operation

The banks openly steal your homes while laundering money for global drug lords. The U.S. government runs illegal guns into Mexico while allowing cocaine and heroin back into the USA to be sold at pumped-up black market prices. The mainstream media broadcasts outright lies and complete fabrications as if they were fact. Much of modern medical "science" is complete quackery or fiction, funded by corporations for the purpose of expanding corporate power. The local water supply is intentionally contaminated with toxic poisons known as "fluoride," and the local food supply is tainted with other dangerous chemicals like aspartame, MSG and BPA.

Your local hospital is almost certainly involved in a medical racket that seeks to insert high-profit medical procedure charges onto patient bills, and your local nursing home most likely throws granny in the hospital for a few days in order to get triple billing from Medicare upon their return. Doctors prescribe antibiotics because they get kickbacks from the drug companies, and the medical journals are little more than science whores who have been bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical industry. And don't forget vaccines, which have become the pathway through which infectious disease is actually spread among the population using live viruses injected into innocent children (http://www.naturalnews.com/033447_I...).

Wake the heck up, people! Most of modern society is a giant con. Nearly every institution, every mega corporation, every government and nearly every politician or bureaucrat is really just a criminal mobster trying to steal your wealth or gain control over your actions and thoughts. Most institutions actually cause the very things they claim to be fighting against!

Why does the cancer industry promote cancer?

The cancer industry actually promotes cancer, didn't you know? The DEA runs drugs! The ATF runs guns (http://www.naturalnews.com/032934_A...). The FDA keeps deadly drugs legal while trying to outlaw safe, affordable natural remedies.

The EPA openly allows deadly toxic chemicals to be dumped into the environment (like mercury fillings from dental offices). The CDC actually promotes complete falsehoods about infectious disease in order to scare people into thinking everybody needs to get vaccinated. And then the vaccines are intentionally contaminated with live viruses in order to spread disease and make the CDC look even more important! (http://www.naturalnews.com/025760.html)

Meanwhile, the President is actively destroying the economic base of America, aided by feds who threaten business owners like Gibson Guitars which are only trying to manufacture quality American-made products. The purpose of all this? To destroy America's economy from the inside out. It is intentional. It is being engineered. The U.S. economy is supposed to collapse by design, get it?

Beyond the economy alone, the entire "war on terror" is a complete and utter hoax, having been fabricated from the very start by government insiders. From 9/11 to present-day terror, it has all been a pathetic and cowardly string of fabrications and staged events for the sole purpose of destroying freedom in America.

Most of what you're told from "official" sources is flat-out false
Are you getting this? Nearly everything you've been told is a lie. Everything you hear on the mainstream news is either a complete fabrication or a wild distortion of reality. And the things you don't hear on the evening news are the things that really matter - things like the fact that your money is being quietly stolen from you by the Federal Reserve.

Nearly everything you are told by the White House, or the FDA, or the EPA - or any government regulator - is a complete and total lie. There is no room for truth in a system of outright tyrannical lawbreaking. That's what we have today instead of government: A cabal of criminal thugs who operate with impunity while violating laws with complete disregard for human rights or the Bill of Rights.

Did you know, for example, that the Obama administration runs a secret death panel that decides which Americans to add to a "kill list?" This kill list is then handed over to the President who decides which Americans to simply assassinate or murder. Think I'm making this up? Then why was it openly reported by Reuters? (http://www.naturalnews.com/033835_W...)

Watch this astonishing interaction between ABC News reporter
Jake Trapper and White House Spokesperson Carney, who completely excuses the Obama administration's outright murder of an American citizen with absolutely zero evidence, no due process, no trial and no proper legal justification whatsoever:

Why things are the way they are - the honest truth
Do you wonder why so many people are sick and diseased today? Because the health care system is designed to make you sick!

Do you wonder why so many people are bankrupt today? Because the financial system is designed to keep you bankrupt!

Do you wonder why voters have so little power versus the corporations today? Because the political system is designed to keep the corporations in power while keeping you enslaved.

Do you wonder why you are still paying $3 or $4 per gallon of gas? Because the energy industry is designed to keep you enslaved to high-profit energy sources while oppressing free energy technology.

Do you ever wonder why the best innovations in medicine, free energy and human consciousness are always suppressed? Because the system is designed to destroy or censor any technologies that would lend themselves to longevity, freedom or increased awareness.

Do you wonder why America remains in perpetual war with an unseen enemy? Because the whole system is designed to operate in a state of perpetual warfare so that the people can be kept in a state of constant fear while being denied their freedoms.

Join the revolution

This is why I invite you to join the revolution in whatever constructive way you can. Now is the time to make your voice heard, just as all those protesting right now are doing.

My only bit of wisdom to pass along in this regard is to make sure it's your OWN voice and don't let yourself be played by some organized globalist agenda that now wants to hijack the protests for their own nefarious purposes.

The essence of freedom is LIBERTY, honest money, private property rights and a system of law that applies to everyone.

YES, the globalist bankers are crooks. They probably deserve to be strung up in a public square somewhere, but even such actions should never be taken without due process and a proper trial. What's really wrong with America today is that the criminal elements are running the show, from the White House to Wall Street. And it's time the People demanded that EVERYONE abide by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. After all, didn't the President swear to protect it when he became President? So why does he now selectively ignore it?

The revolution happening right now is a revolution borne out of frustration, and although it seems to lack focus in the mixed messages heard on the street right now, it will soon coalesce into a call for justice and an end to the systems of tyranny that dominate the American landscape today.

The transition out of freedom and justice will be fraught with violence, I fear, and there will soon be Martial Law declared across our land. Be prepared for what's coming, and have no illusions that the second American revolution is now at our doorstep. I only ask: What will you do with this opportunity? Will you stand for liberty and justice when it really counts?

October 16, 2011

Spoon-feed me my daily dose of propaganda...

Overwhelming evidence suggests that the "Iranian terror plot" to assassinate a Saudi ambassador to the U.S. is complete bullshit, a made-up fabrication by our government as a pretext for a military strike on Iran. Pepe Escobar of the Asia Times said of the plot, "if this was a hollywood script it would go in the garbage immediately."
The following is a report by Mac Slavo of SHTFplan.com:

As more details, or lack there of, emerge about the purported assassination plot of the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States it’s becoming clear that the situation may very well have been fabricated by elements within the Obama Justice Department. To any observer willing to look beyond a headline it should be clear that the allegations are patently absurd.
The following is a report by Mac Slavo of SHTFplan.com:

Via Info Wars - Video Report Provided by RT and is available below:

The American government wants the whole unsuspecting world to believe that the general of the IRGC, which is a very complex and very sophisticated operation in Tehran, which is more important than their armed forces, they have intelligence operations all over the world… They are going to sub-contract a hit – mafia style killing – to a failed Corpus Christi, Texas salesman with a record of bad checks, and he’s going to contact somebody posing as a member of the Zetas Mexican drug cartel, and boast that ‘I can give you 1.5 million dollars and you’re going to hit the ambassador at his favorite restaurant in Washington… I can provide you with tons of opium if you want to do business with my contacts in Tehran.’

In a script conference in Hollywood this thing would go to the garbage immediately. Problem is it’s being paddled by the Attorney General of the United States.
Is it coincidence that the Attorney General announced this plot on the very day subpoenas were issued over the Fast and Furious perjury debacle? As we’ve said countless times in the past, when politicians and those highly visible to the public come under fire and stand to lose their positions of power, they deflect blame, or in this most recent case of Iran, create a completely new enemy.

With respect to blame deflection, this has all of the hallmarks of an event that took place on August 20, 1998, when then President Bill Clinton launched a cruise missile attack against suspected Sudenese VX nerve gas factories at the height of the Lewinsky scandal that threatened to end his Presidency. You may recall that it was on August 17, 1998 that President Clinton admitted to having an ‘inappropriate relationship’ with the White House Intern. It turns out that the attack, later justified because of ties to Osama Bin Laden, manufactured pharmaceuticals – aspirin. Do you see the pattern?

The Clinton Sudanese incident was easily covered up, as Sudan served no significant strategic importance to the US, its allies or our foreign challengers. The problem with the Iranian situation, of course, is that we have been butting heads over nuclear energy and other regional issues for nearly a decade – with both sides calling for war, albeit indirectly.

While the claims of on assassination plot may be ridiculous, we need only to look at the majority of headlines being spoon fed to the American public to understand what the real goal is.

The Osama Bin Laden card has been played – and we’re pretty sure this was the last time they’ll be able to use it (of course, you never know). What we need right now is to divert attention from the implosion of our domestic economy, the rampant lawlessness in the Halls of Congress and in the business circles that keep our politicians’ coffers filled, and the deficiencies at the Department of Justice which oversees the legalities of it all.

Target: Iran.

It’s easy, really. A headline and a few talking points repeated hundreds of times on every medium of mainstream distribution.

We recently noted that World War III will not be an accident, and that the world’s Grandmasters (which include Chinese and Russian strategist) are now actively positioning themselves financially, diplomatically, and militarily.

We firmly hold the view that in the next year, or two, or five, the United States and Iran (and likely Syria) will be engaged militarily. The reasons for why we need to spread democracy to Tehran have been, and are continuously being, seared into the consciousness of Americans right now.

Remember Saddam Hussein? He allegedly plotted to assassinate President George H.W. Bush in 1993, killed thousands of Kurds with nerve gas, tortured his own people, worked directly with Al Queda and Osama Bin Laden to coordinate 9/11, and of course, manufactured and stockpiled weapons of mass destruction whose smoking gun would come in the form of a mushroom cloud:

Iran is the enemy. But in our view, this is only part of the story. Do not underestimate the perceived silence and calls for peace by the Chinese and Russians, who also have signififcant strategic interests in the middle east and are, though they won’t push the envelope right now, strongly allied with Iranian interests. Speaking realistically, it’s not so much that they like the Iranians. It’s that they really don’t want the U.S. to have total control of the entire middle east and north African region.

The end game here is resource domination and [global] political control.

Eventually, someone is going to pull the trigger, and then we may very well see that mushroom cloud President George W. Bush warned about.

If you don’t think this is a possibility, or that we are blowing this out of proportion, consider that the President – yes, the President of the United States approved this latest “terror plot” information release – just overtly accused the Iranian government of attempting to assassinate an ambassador on U.S. soil. These are extremely serious charges, the kind that have led nations to war throughout history. The Saudis are calling for Iran to “pay the price,” while Secretary of State Clinton says this is a “dangerous escalation of the Iranian government’s longstanding use of political violence and sponsorship of terrorism.” Israel, parroting Mrs. Clinton, agrees, saying, that this is “definitely an escalation.”

One small mistake in this high stakes game could mean the lives of not millions, but billions of people.

The scary thing is that those in the command and control centers of these operations seemingly could care less.

October 15, 2011

Crony Capitalism

Throughout this whole financial crisis starting in 2008, capitalism has gotten a lot of bad publicity. People like Michael Moore and others have used this opportunity to denounce capitalism (thereby praising communism by default). The whole capitalism vs. socialism arguement to me, is void and mute. The REAL problem we are dealing with is crony capitalism. We do NOT have a truly capitalist system right now. We have a system where huge corporations get our elected officials to pass laws FOR THEM. Small business owners are being shut down all over the place because they don't have enough money to lobby our government. The huge corporations have the system in their back pocket, and they have the power to shut down anyone who tries to compete with them. Our once-capitalist system has been undermined by greed and corruption. We live in a corporate fascist dictatorship, where all the powere rests with the corporations, and their puppets, our politicians. Democracy is dead. The media gives the illusion that we have democracy, but that is all it is, an illusion. THe candidates that they (banks and corporations) want to be held in the spotlight are selected by more powerful forces than you or I, with lots more money than you or I. THe candidates are then paraded in front of the media, and they tell us 'look, you have the choice between a, b, c, or d. But what they don't tell you is that a, b, c, & d all serve the interests of the banks and corporations, NOT YOURS. They PRETEND to serve interests of everyone while they are campaigning, but when push comes to shove, they will always bail out the corporations and banks that have the MOST INFLUENCE over them, and let the small businesses go out of business!

October 6, 2011

Fractional-Reserve Banking System IS the Cancer that is KILLING us.

In this system, banks loan out many times more that what they actually have on deposit.
From Wikipedia "Fractional-reserve banking is a type of banking whereby the bank only retains a fraction of the customer's deposits as reserves. This means that cash and coin in the bank's vaults (also called bank reserves) are only a fraction (called the reserve ratio) of the quantity of deposits at the bank. As most bank deposits are treated as money in their own right, fractional reserve banking increases the money supply, and banks are said to create money.
Bank runs (or when problems are widespread, a systemic crisis) can occur in fractional-reserve banking systems. To mitigate this risk, the governments of most countries (usually acting through the central bank) regulate and oversee commercial banks, provide deposit insurance and act as lender of last resort to commercial banks."

So banks loan out money at interest, and when those loans go sour, the Federal Reserve loans the money to our government (at interest) so the government can bail out the banks, the government then sticks the tab with the American taxpayers. Bankers colluded with our government 12 years ago to get rid of glass-steagall Which removed the separation between investment banking and commercial banking, allowing wall street investment firms to gamble their depositors' money. Many feel 9rightly so) that the repeal of this act that lead to the financial crisis in 2008. I would also add to that the fractional reserve banking system that our banks (and the federal reserve bank) use, which essentially allows bankers to print money out of thin air also contributed to the mess. None of these issues have been dealt with since the crisis unfolded. Wall street investment firms and banks continue with their collateralized-debt obligations and structured investment vehicles, unchecked by any regulation (because the government regulators have all been bought off). The unholy alliance between government and corporation is a like a virus that is infecting it's host (our nation). Soon, the host will succomb to it's infection. Our politicians, unable and unwilling to do anything about the problem will let the next crisis unfold because they have been completely bought and paid for by wall street (I'm talking about Republicans and Democrats -both parties are bankrolled by wall street). Who knows how severe the next crisis will be, you can bet that higher-ups in our government do, they are even eagerly anticipating it.

October 3, 2011

Protesters call for totalitarian government

watch the following video, listen carefully to the words of these college students'

what I'm hearing from these kids is that it doesn't bother them that we now live in corporate-facist dictatorship... Adam Kokesh interviews a few of these kids, and they can't seem to form coherent thoughts. The girl with the harvard shirt in one breath says she disagrees and knows nothing about the troop deployment statistics given by Adam. In the next breath she says 'we shouldn't focus so much on the middle east' wtf?! Even more amazingly, this same girl said that our government is 'fully privatized' -I don't think she even knew what she meant by that. This is what is being produced by the education system these days. This is the next generation that will lead the country tomorrow. Be very afraid.

Occupy Wall Street Protesters Call For Totalitarian Government, Re-Election Of Obama

There is something very wrong with this picture

Paul Joseph Watson
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Despite their honest intentions, many of the Occupy Wall Street protesters are being suckered into a trap and calling for the very “solutions” that are part of the financial elite’s agenda to torpedo the American middle class – higher taxes and more big government.

The ignorance displayed in these interviews knows no bounds. The protesters just don’t get it. They are calling for the government to use force to impose their ideas, all in the name of bringing down corporations who they don’t realize have completely bought off government regulators. Corporations and government enjoy a mutually beneficial relationship – getting one to regulate the other is asinine and only hurts smaller businesses who are legitimately trying to compete in a free market economy that barely exists.

The zeal for totalitarian government amongst some of the “protesters” is shocking. One sign being carried around read, “A government is an entity which holds the monopolistic right to initiate force,” which seems a little ironic when protesters complain about being physically assaulted by police in the same breath.

One woman interviewed by Kokesh also announces her intention to help Obama to capture a second term. How can a self-proclaimed Occupy Wall Street protester simultaneously support the man whose 2008 campaign was bankrolled by Wall Street, whose 2012 campaign is reliant on Wall Street to an even greater extent, and whose cabinet was filled with Wall Street operatives?

Something is very wrong with this picture.

The usual suspects, mega-rich foundations and elitists, behind the young radicals have also started to emerge – George Soros, The Ruckus Society, the Tides Foundation and the Ford Foundation.

“The belated crusade against Wall Street is even more pathetic as it is coordinated by groups who wouldn’t exist without men like Soros, who made their money from deals that make the Street look sparkling clean. It’s class warfare as a cynical jab at the populist center, the people who mutter to themselves that the Street is full of crooks and so is Congress,” writes Daniel Greenfield.

The thousands of Americans currently expressing their disgust at Wall Street and the bankers who have ruined the economy to the detriment of the poor and middle class should be commended for getting off their hind ends and doing something, unlike the millions who will continue to watch American Idol, drink beer and laugh in ignorance as the country is flushed down the toilet. It should also be added that there is a sprinkling of “End the Fed” demonstrators who truly understand the root cause of the problem.

However, the fact that the majority of the Occupy Wall Street demonstrators are advocating “solutions” which the very elite they claim to be protesting against also want should set alarm bells ringing.

The official Occupy Wall Street website vehemently supports Obama’s tax agenda, again in the deluded belief that Obama, the ultimate Wall Street puppet, genuinely wants to go after big corporations who use loopholes to avoid paying income tax.

In calling for higher taxes on the middle class, the protesters are mimicking the likes of billionaire Warren Buffet. The top corporations pay virtually zero income tax because of loopholes that they have crafted in league with bought off government regulators. Obama’s tax hikes will only impact genuine middle class businesses and middle class Americans earning over $200,000 – with the rate of inflation as it is this can hardly be described as the “super rich”.

As Anthony Wile writes, the protesters are being completely misdirected by their socialist/communist leaders. The real center of financial control is the Federal Reserve and the city of London, and yet ideologue Michael Moore said earlier this week that “ending capitalism” was more important than dealing with the Fed.

Wile notes that the protesters seem obsessed with those who conduct financial transactions, not those who actually run global central banks, the real string pullers.

“To get at the root of the problem, one should be protesting, say, in London’s City where central banking originated. Or protesting in front of the Federal Reserve in Washington DC. These are real seats of power. But the shadowy and excessively powerful and wealthy individuals who have created the modern economic system are quite satisfied no doubt to have Wall Street take the blame. It suits their purposes,” writes Wile.

“It is too bad that the Occupy Wall Street movement seems to be obscuring the larger issues by apparently blaming the private (transactional) sector in entirety for what has occurred in the past few years.”

UPDATE: Watch Alex Jones’ special broadcast in which he breaks down how the Occupy Wall Street protests are being run by the elite to distract Americans from the real source of the problem – the Federal Reserve. Jones has announced a nationwide Occupy the Fed rally and will personally be protesting Federal Reserve locations in Dallas, San Antonio and Houston this coming week.

October 2, 2011

What is going on here...?

I was hoping that the crimes of the Federal Reserve (s privately-owned corporation) and the big banks were finally going to be exposed. We have seen the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the world over the last three years -from the working class people of America to big banks and corporations -facilitated by the Federal Reserve.
It now looks like the energy and anger of the protesters is now being channeled and directed (by design) to Obama's re-ekection campaign. WTF?! It's the same thing that happened to the ill-fated 'tea-party' movement -what started as a movement of Ron Paul supporters to shed light on the crimes of the federal reserve system and the over-spending of government back in '07-'08, was quickly co-opted and usurped by the Republican party so that the original intent and message was diluted and/or erased from public discourse. So now this new movement of people wanting legitimate change (ending the fed, exposing their crimes and corruption) is being washed away by foundation-funded Democratic operatives and union members. Republicans and Democrats do not want a popular uprising against the Fed, they benefit too much from the system that is in place. So this whole thing is being turned into a big farce with useful-idiot college students out there shouting how evil capitalism is, and calling for more socialism, then the 'conservatives' and republicans get up and say "look at these silly marxists".... At a time when liberals and conservatives need to be united to stand up and expose the Fed and the criminal banksters, instead these 2 groups are purposely being driven further apart while capitalism is being made the scapegoat... This country has been the victim of a financial coup d'etat, we now live under a corporate facist-dictatorship, with the media (Foxnews, CNN, NBC ABC, CBS) their willing accomplices....

Everything Is a LIE