February 4, 2011

More Lies & Cover-Ups

A cover-up of monumental proportion
Perhaps the most egregious fact of the whole BP oil disaster that has recieved ZERO press coverage is the effect the oil has had on the Gulf Loop Current. Aside from one New York Times article near the onset of the disaster, their has bee been no reporting of the real truth about the gulf loop current.
Here is another article from a non-main-stream news service:
Here is what is really going on:


Amazing, a near-media blackout of the biggest environmental catastrophe the world has ever seen...

Another HUGE lie being told to the American people by the nedia is the country's monthly employment reports by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If they weren't instructed by the government to put forth phony data of the monthly adding and subtracting of jobs, we might have a clear view of the real unemployment rate. But when 500,000+ people are stricken from the labor force, it's easy to get a 'rise' in employment!!! That's right, the BLS every momth, ERASES people who are looking for jobs from the labor force!! Amazing!! And the mainstream milk-toast media lets them get away with it!

What could possibly top all of this?

NASA has been issuing warnings since 2006 about a massive solar storm that is scheduled to take place anytime from 2011-2012... This solar storm is predicted by NASA to be on par with the one that hit the earth in the 1850's. During that storm, there was no power grid, but according to NASA if that same storm were to hit now, it would cause the entire power grid to fail! Again, not a word from the press, in fact, NASA was even instructed to offer a retraction from it's initial assessment:


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