January 31, 2011

The government & media are lying to you....

I could sit here and list all the things that the government and their willing media accomplices have lied about in the last 50 years, but would take me several months! Instead, let's focus on the present because we have never before in our brief 230 year history been at such an important crossroads as we are right now.

1. The government & media are painting a false picture of the gulf of Mexico, after the worst oil spillage in world history. The government has declared that seafood from the gulf is safe to eat (http://www.examiner.com/human-rights-in-national/gulf-oil-attorney-safe-seafood-is-public-health-danger) (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/40494122/ns/us_news-environment/) (http://rense.com/general92/bpfish.htm). Not only has there been a BP-govt. imposed media blackout since the events began unfolding last April, but the bedia has almost entirely CEASED reporting about the the gulf of Mexico altogether! upon close examination of articles and stories relayed by the alternative media, one can see the reality of life in the gulf of Mexico today is that of a region that has been shattered and is dying. Seafood from the gulf is NOT safe to eat, even trace amounts of oil and chemicals in seafood can be very harmful. last fall, the media jubilantly reported that 75% of the oil has been dispersed. This, too has been exposed as a fabrication (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/08/25/the-sage-of-spills-rick-s_n_693812.html)
Ever since oil began spewing into the gulf of Mexico, the govt., BP, and the media have constantly been under-reporting the volume of oil that has been pouring into the gulf.

Bottom line is the Gulf of Mexico is an ongoing disaster of epic proportions, and this fact has been BURIED!!!

Lie #2 - The economy is recovering! Joe Biden had the NERVE to state that the recession ended during the summer of 2009! The truth (the floundering media finally admitted that our 'recession' started in 2007, after months of reporting that we were'nt in recession) is that we are in a DEPRESSION, one that is just getting started, the worst effects we have yet to encounter. For all the jubilation and celebration by the media and wall street that the economy is recovering, one needn't look very far to see evidence to the contrary. The housing market is in shambles, house prices continue to crash, 11% of all homes in the U.S. are now VACANT! Another, much larger wave of forecolures in residential, as well as commercial real estate, has yet to hit. (http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/housing-armageddon-12-facts-which-show-that-we-are-in-the-midst-of-the-worst-housing-collapse-in-u-s-history)
Local state and municipal governments are BANKRUPT! This is threatening a local govt. bond crisis that is due to hit our economy sometime this year! The only 'recovery' that has taken place is an ARTIFICIAL one created by money printiing that has only served to prop up stock values... This leads me to another great lie being perpetuated by the FED reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, who says that there is no inflation! OK asshole, you're right, housing prices are all done inflating, no thanks to your predecessor, Alan Greenspan. Does Mr. Bernanke ever visit any gas stations? Does he go to the grocery store? Apparently not, because if he did, he would see that there is INDEED, INFLATION!!!
Some rare and candid media truth from msnbc.....>

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Economy Imploded by Design -Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

5 Stages of the Awakening...

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