August 28, 2010

Mainstream media finally admit we are in a Depression

August 24, 2010 CNBC article:

"Economy Caught in Depression, Not Recession"

This is just one of a handful af articles put out by mainstream media in the past month announcing that we are in the midst of an economic depression. Although most news anchors are still uncomfortable with calling our current situation a depression, instead keep using the word 'recession' and even questioning if 'there's a possibility there could be a double dip recession'... As top trends forecaster Gerald Celente says, it will be obvious to everyone by Christmas of this year that the 'crash of 2010' has occured (

The corporate-controlled media is only interested in one thing, and that is selling the stock market to the american people. They will say anything and have on only guests that support their faulty logic to get the unwitting american dupes to keep pouring their money into the stock market. And the government (with the help of their corporate-media foot soldiers) is doing likewise with the bond market. Everyone knows that U.S. government debt is trash, but if the govt. can keep everyone pretending like investing in U.S. treasuries is still the sane thing to do, then the illusion can be kept up awhile longer. But that can't go on forever.

I am sooooo pissed off at the media. They are not friends of the American people. They have a responsibility to maintain integrity in their reporting. They have a responsibility to maintain truth and reality. They owe the American people that. By burying the story of the gulf oil spill (75% of the oil has NOT disappeared from the gulf, that is a lie conjured up by BP, the govt. and our trustworthy media) and telling Americans we are in a 'recovery' is treasonous and reminiscient of the state-run media tactics of second and third world countries. If they had any credibility whatsoever, they would be warning Americans to prepare for the tough times ahead instead of trying to sell their bullshit false reality. Some day they will be held accountable for their crimes. Everything you now see on tv and hear on radio is pure 100% propaganda.

July 20, 2010 The New American:

Great Depression: Here We Go Again?

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