November 12, 2011

Billionaires Don't Go To Jail

Greg Palast, is a British investigative journalist New York Times-bestselling author and a freelance journalist for the British Broadcasting Corporation as well as the British newspaper The Observer.Greg Palast explains how Goldman Sachs caused the Greek meltdown by hiding their debt before they joined the EU .make no mistake this wont stop at italy or spain, it will encompass all of Europe ,except maybe Britain , England and the U.S. will be the last ones to go, it is going to be years i think though, and then we will see a global central bank and currency, game over.

November 2, 2011

Food Corporations are Trying to Kill You....

Partially hydrogenated oils, fully hydrogenated oils, high-fructose corn-syrup, monosodium glutamate (MSG), BHT, Ammonia Chloride, Mono& Diglycerides.... What do these substances have in common? They can all kill you. Most people unknowingly intake one or more of these on a daily basis.

Hydrogenated oils - Hydrogen molecules are fused with the oil (any oil, vegetable, soybean, cottenseed, palm) & actually change the molecular structure of the oil. Food companies use this to extend the shelf-life of their foods, boosting their profits. It doesn't matter that a lifetime of eating foods with hydrogenated oils can & will lead to heart disease. Oh, but "offishul" studies cuggest that there are no adverse health risks to eating foods with hydrogenated oils, oh, and it's been "approved" by the "FDA".

When ingested, this subtance adheres to the lining of the arteries, forming a thick plaque that can inhibit blood flow. Before crisco (shortening) came on the scene in the 1920's, heart-disease & diabetes were virtually unkown in America. Margerine is basically the same as crisco, it is hydrogenated, and can kill you. Hydrogenated oils are used in many, many, many processed foods, everything from canned soups, to breads, cereals, chips, candy, you name it, there's a 75% chance it's got hydrogenated oil. When the public started becoming aware of this, food companies began calling hydrogenated oils by another name as a disguise -mono& diglycerides. A lifetime of eating this shit will give you heart disease, no question. It's a crime that doctors do not address this when treating patients for heart-disease and diabetes, instead prescribing drugs produced by large pharmaceutical corporations. Can you see what a racket this set-up is?